Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Key Performance Indicators
How do you know what your work is worth?
School is 9am until 3pm 5 days per week 5x5 class hours per week = 25 hours.
4 10 week terms approximates to 1,000 hours per year.
Your pay is knowledge and skills, have you been paid?

Record what you do and examine the results.

Look at your text book. Date your work, record your work rate, how long do you take to complete most exercises when working well.

Know your stats and work on improving them.

What would be the result of doing double the work in half the time.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Self taught

Leonardo Da Vinci was self taught, this skill is your aim.

Once you take responsibility for your education and learn to seek the answers yourself your there.

When the student is ready the teacher will come, if the teacher shows you that you do not need him/her the job is done.

My goal as your coach is to become redundant, you learn how to find out how by yourself.